Forum Discussion

netadmindetail_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 29, 2011

Adding route by management interface for syslog server

Hi All



I want to route my syslog data to a syslog server. I want the syslog traffic be passed by management interface.



I tried to add a route but the management interface does not seems to be routable.



Is there a way to route syslog data by something else then a selfip interface ?



Thank you very much for your help


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus



    You should be able to add a management route via the CLI using bigpipe or tmsh. What do you mean by "not routable"?



    b mgmt route gateway



    tmsh create sys management-route gateway



  • I means by non routable that I wasn't able to specify management interface or IP address of management's gateway when I tried to add route into GUI interface.



    I tried nigpipe command, and it works for my syslog data. But my NTP packets still goes by my selfip address instead of my management address. Is this supposed to be the same ?



    Thank you very much for your help



    NOTE : What's the difference between Bigpipe commands and tmsh commands ?


  • Hi restarted my BIP-IP active and standby then a few hours later things started to works well. Why things doesn't start to syslog on the right interface just after the reboot, I don't know.



    I have a few error in my syslog, but I'll open another topics for that



    Thank you very much.


  • But my NTP packets still goes by my selfip address instead of my management address. Is this supposed to be the same ?have u added mgmt route for NTP server (similar to what Aaron suggested)? so, NTP packet would be sent throught mgmt interface.



    NOTE : What's the difference between Bigpipe commands and tmsh commands ?tmsh is a newer one. we are moving to tmsh.



    Hi restarted my BIP-IP active and standby then a few hours later things started to works well. Why things doesn't start to syslog on the right interface just after the reboot, I don't know.did it start working about 4am?
  • Yes it started at 4:02 in the morning. Why 4:00 ? logrotate is run at 4:02 daily.



    actually, syslog should work right away after rebooting since mgmt interface could be ready. not sure why it does not.



    by the way, have you run tcpdump to see which interface i.e. mgmt or tmm bigip sends syslog message to after rebooting?



    in case of tmm interface


    tcpdump -nni 0.0 udp port 514



    in case of mgmt interface


    tcpdump -nni eth0 udp port 514
  • I activate Mac Macquarading on my vlan interface.



    Everything seems to be working perfectly. It was an ARP issue.



    This is why the packet didn't get out the right interface



    Thank you very much for your help.