Forum Discussion

Stefano_E__1814's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 25, 2015

ACCESS::policy result "not_started"

Hi all!


I try to invoke a access profile but the result of "ACCESS::policy result" is not_started.


Why? Can someone help me?


This is the code



if { $sessionID ne ""}{
      The user in session,


} else {

      The user not in session, check token
    if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId|      User not in session\n"}
    if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId|   sessionID empty, creating a new session"}
    set sessionID [ACCESS::session create -lifetime 30 -timeout 30]
    if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId|   new sessionID is $sessionID"}

    call APM

    HTTP::header insert "clientless-mode" 1
    set ldapAPResultByToken [ACCESS::policy evaluate -sid $sessionID -profile "test_ldap_accessProfile" session.test.token $tokenFromHeader session.server.landinguri $uriRequested session.logon.last.logonname $tokenFromHeader] 
    if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId|         Executed /Common/test_ldap_accessProfile with token: $tokenFromHeader with result: $ldapAPResultByToken\n"}

    set result [ACCESS::policy result -sid $sessionID] 
    if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId|         result: $result\n"}
    set policyResult [ACCESS::session data get -sid $sessionID session.policy.result]
    if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId|         policy.result: $policyResult \n"}



The logger print this:


  1. User not in session
  2. sessionID empty, creating a new session
  3. new sessionID is 1562e4dd6119e43dca7f7154c3b1a4cc
  4. Executed /Common/test_ldap_accessProfile with token: pippo with result: error
  5. result: not_started
  6. policy.result: not_started

1 Reply

  • Were the requirements of the Access policy met on the virtual server that the iRule is attached to? The reason why I ask is that if the policy requires a connectivity profile, or a compression profile, etc. then the access policy might return the "not_started" result.