Nov 28, 2011Nimbostratus
Access iApp details from within iRule...
Hi there,
I've started to develop using iApps on our v11 F5's... At the moment I've got a standard iApp for each of our products that we host...
I've then created a tweaked version of the ProxyPass rule to work with our application scenarios, and have Data classes defined to suit each app...
However I've hit a scenario whereby we have multiple release versions of the app in place, and there are some subtle differences between the URI's used by each app which means I need to tweak the Data class used for the ProxyPass rule... The ideal solution would be to pick up the iApp template version and derive the Data class from there... However I'm struggling to find a documented way to do it...
Any ideas on this, or any other ways that you can think of to achieve the above?