Forum Discussion

dp_119903's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Mar 28, 2017

Acceleration Profile - OWA - Users seeing cached mailbox of other user

I have exchange users accessing OWA that are complaining that they are seeing cached information of another user's inbox.


So far it appears that all of the users that are experiencing this are sourcing from the same office so they are likely behind a proxy. They login to OWA and are seeing someone else's name at the top of their window, and when they go to send an email it will have someone else's signature block. Once they refresh they get their mailbox...but this is obviously a fairly major issue.


I'm about 99% sure this is b/c we have the web acceleration profile enabled. ...but I suspect this b/c I've seen this happen before. Rather than just removing the web acceleration profile does anyone know specifically what URI's need to be excluded? I used the iApp to build this virtual server so it has the standard URI'S


uglobal.js /owa/ev.owa oab.xml


I can provide a list of the URI's that are getting cached if that helps. The vast majority are /owa/prem/15.0.1210.6/scripts... or /owa/prem/15.0.1210.6/resources...


Thanks in advance!


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