Forum Discussion

Michaelyang's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Dec 29, 2022

About SIP port


Is there any way to set F5

SIP port 10000-20000 corresponds to the real server port 10000-20000 ? 


Any help is appreciate.

  • in GUI Main >> Shared Objects >> Port Lists, you can create a defined SIP port range 10000-20000,

    then create a sip pool monitor use gateway_icmp

    finally, create a VS its "Service Port" use port list SIP  and binding a sip pool

    if above steps can not work, you can create a vs service port use *All ports and bind this iRules to limit udp sip port range:

        if { [UDP::local_port] >= 10000 && [UDP::local_port] <= 20000 } {
        } else {


4 Replies

  • xuwen's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    in GUI Main >> Shared Objects >> Port Lists, you can create a defined SIP port range 10000-20000,

    then create a sip pool monitor use gateway_icmp

    finally, create a VS its "Service Port" use port list SIP  and binding a sip pool

    if above steps can not work, you can create a vs service port use *All ports and bind this iRules to limit udp sip port range:

        if { [UDP::local_port] >= 10000 && [UDP::local_port] <= 20000 } {
        } else {


    • I've done this in the past with no need for the iRule your share objects approach should work nicely.

      Just be careful about how you monitor the pool.
      Monitoring all 10000 ports will really get in the f5's way.

      Amending the health monitor to only look at one of the ports worked for us, as long as thats how its fails.
      IE if the system fails you lose all 10000 ports not just one.

      if you loose 1 at a time with a failure, health monitoring will need some consideration.

      • Michaelyang's avatar
        Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

        Hi Cirrocumulus,

        Thanks for your reply

        How do I add multiple ports to the pool member at once?