Forum Discussion

Michaelyang's avatar
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Nov 28, 2022

About Https monitor


I would like to monitor servers that are

I would like to monitor when the webpage is not available.
I checked the F5 file and it says I can set it up like this:

SEND: GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n


But since I am monitoring a pool and not a single server, how should I write nHost?
What do nHost and nConnection mean?

Any help would be appreciated!

  • Here is more info:

    I would recommend not using just a simple GET , but GET index.html for example, or whatever you have on the webservers.

    Then if you want just to do a simple check you live it like it is : RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Or you can use Receive String to check for a specific word in the HTML reply. The text string can be regular text, HTML tags, or image names.

    Then you can use the Reverse setting to Yes, the monitor marks the pool, pool member, or node Down when the test is successful.

    As for the host part, it should be your web server domain name, like

    All your servers should have one and it should be the same.

    You attach this monitor to the pool, so all members in the pool will use it.

  • Here is more info:

    I would recommend not using just a simple GET , but GET index.html for example, or whatever you have on the webservers.

    Then if you want just to do a simple check you live it like it is : RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Or you can use Receive String to check for a specific word in the HTML reply. The text string can be regular text, HTML tags, or image names.

    Then you can use the Reverse setting to Yes, the monitor marks the pool, pool member, or node Down when the test is successful.

    As for the host part, it should be your web server domain name, like

    All your servers should have one and it should be the same.

    You attach this monitor to the pool, so all members in the pool will use it.

  • HTTP 1.1 request typically includes request headers that you should specify, this is why you should configure your monitor with this syntax. 

    > GET /path/to/test.html HTTP 1.1  # request line
    > Host:    # first request header. it's on a new line - simulated by \r\n syntax.
    > Connection: close     # another request header, again on new line
    >                       # a blank line (\r\n twice) separates header from body
    > ID12345&user          # request body (optional) 

    Monitor syntax to simulate this^ request will be:

    GET /path/to/test.thml HTTP1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n