Forum Discussion

APM-Engineer's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 22, 2024

About HTTP2 communication error


I am experiencing an HTTP2 protocol error and need some assistance.

Our setup is Client - F5 LB - WAF - SERVER. The error occurs when communicating via HTTP2 between the Client and F5.

The communication paths are:

  • Client <-> F5: HTTP2
  • WAF <-> SERVER: HTTP1.1

When F5 is removed from the setup, there are no communication errors, and everything works with HTTP1.1.

F5 has an HTTP2 profile applied only to the Client side, and MRF is disabled.

HTTP2 errors frequently occur when refreshing the browser or using "Clear Cache and Hard Reload" in Chrome's incognito mode.

Could you help identify why these HTTP2 errors are happening and what I should check?


  • was it ok if you set vserver's client side to http/1.1?

    and there is not enough information in your log to see the the root cause.
    you can use "curl -vk ....." to get more details in client.

    curl -vk