Forum Discussion

johnbernardcheu's avatar
Sep 28, 2017

AAM - global acceleration for web application - how does request get to data center big-ip?

hi there, i m following along the guide for global acceleration for an web application. how does the remote big-ip know to forward the request to the data center big-ip? Is it because they share the same application profile? Thanks!


  • As long as all the routing is in place, the request is forwarded/routed via IP to the matching central big-ip's v/s to handle. You can add a default pool to the remote big-ip v/s as a backup. Thanks!


  • Straight from the guide:

    About symmetric request and response headers
    In a global network that includes a symmetric deployment of remote and central BIG-IP®
    devices across a
    WAN, the remote BIG-IP device receives a request and includes an X-Client-WA header, which
    distinguishes the request to the central BIG-IP device, enabling the central BIG-IP device to process the
    request, as necessary. When the central BIG-IP device receives a response for the origin web servers, it
    includes an X-WA-Surrogate header in the response, which distinguishesthe response to the remote BIG-IP
    device, which processesthe response as necessary and removesthe X-WA-Surrogate header before sending
    the response to the client

    If this is the case then I m not quite sure why we are configuring a default pool for the remote big-ip. I have to believe its in case the central(data center) big-ip goes down?

  • As long as all the routing is in place, the request is forwarded/routed via IP to the matching central big-ip's v/s to handle. You can add a default pool to the remote big-ip v/s as a backup. Thanks!