Forum Discussion

Robert_47833's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 15, 2012

3 irules order

hello,dear irule



I met an headache stuff recently





there is one VIP which has irule 1 ,irule 2 and irule 3 assigned to it




1:I 'd like to use some syntax in irule 1 ,if request match some pattern,it will continue to go through irule 1 ,but don't execute irule 2 and irule 3



2:if request doesn't match some pattern ,it will go to irule 2 and irule 3




thanks in advance















  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Robbie,



    You could set a local variable in Rule1 which Rule2 and Rule3 check before executing their code. Or you could combine the iRules into one if that makes sense for the logic. Here's a simple example:



    rule rule1 {
    if {$some_check==1}{
    set run_other_rules 1
    } else {
    set run_other_rules 0
    rule rule2 {
    if {$run_other_rules==1}{
     Exit this event in this rule
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if {$run_other_rules==1}{
     Exit this event in this rule
    rule rule3 {
    if {$run_other_rules==1}{
     Exit this event in this rule



  • thanks,Aaron


    this idea is pretty good


    I 'd like to do some change on it


    because rule 2 and rule 3 were there,I only need to add rule 1 to achieve this,but I don't wanna change any stuff on rule 2 and rule 3


    maybe I can use this variable "run_other_rules" to handle the different events in the rule 1 while I can use "event" command to handle same event in the rule 2 and rule 3,right?



    thanks in advance


  • hello,Aaron


    I know event disable in a HTTP::request will disable all HTTP::request event in all irule in the same VIP



    in some place,I found this: they enable the HTTP::request in HTTP_response


    rule enable_HTTP_REQUEST_on_response {


    when HTTP_RESPONSE {


    event enable HTTP_REQUEST







    I don't understand this,would u give me an example to explain this?


    in one connection,request 1 hit the rule 1 and disabled......and so on



    thanks in advance