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Idea FeedTrendingMost VotesNewest IdeasMost ViewedMost RepliesMost RecentAll Idea StatusesTagged:Tag10Bring back Series ArticleList Hi DevCentral Team, I think it's good if u guys can bring back a series article list as before. I understand that we can search the keyword "Series" but it's not organized well as a list and parts ...105Merge community accounts I didn't find an article or option to merge f5 community accounts. For example if a person has a company email account and a private one. 55No Responses Filter in Technical Forums What I really miss is to have a chance to filter by "no responses" in the Technical Forum (anyway, I admit this filter doesn't make sense in the rest of the forums). 53Optimize the search results Hi DevCentral Team, the DevCentral search is very hard to use. Whoever or whatever you search, the matching results wont highlight / reference the exact post where the search pattern matches, the r...32DevCentral Issues: Thread/Post Flagging & Mobile Device Friends, This is for the DevCentral team really, but hope it also helps others mention some issues or suggestions for site improvement. In the past few weeks, I have noticed the following issues: -...22English vocabulary Detections and corrections Hello all , I hope you are all fine, Because not all F5 users aren't native in English , I suggest to use something like Microsoft word to detect any wrong spelled word to make it easy for the ...21Reply by mail Hi all, I discussed this with LiefZimmerman and wanted to open a broader discussion. Sometimes I get an email notification from devcentral that someone has replied to a thread I am following and I ...12Automatically include relevant content in every article to improve SEO When publishing an article, have the platform automatically discover relevant content and include links at the bottom of the article, something like an H2 header that says “Related Content” with some...22Badge for Towel Day Last year we received a badge for logging in on Star Wars day. How about a bagde for Towel Day this year? For all Douglas Adams fans in the community 😁 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Towel_Day 24Bring Back Codeshare Removing Codeshare will confuse the community base. My suggestions are as follows... Rename CrowdSRC to Codeshare. Instead of having User Submitted Articles under there as well, move them to Ar...4