Hi DevCentral Team,
I think it's good if u guys can bring back a series article list as before.
I understand that we can search the keyword "Series" but it's not organized well as a list and parts of an article as before. From the user perspective (like me) I can not remember exactly the keyword such as http-series, ssl-series ... So I think it's good if we can group them into series so that users can easily use them as before.
- Status changed:NewtoAccepted
We agree with you. This was one of the few known gaps we had going into our new-platform project. The current "meta-data" approach with the series- tags is considered a barely usable placeholder while we establish how best to approach the new series feature. I, for one, am still learning a lot about how the community uses the site as well as which OOTB features I might leverage in the medium or long term to achieve the same/similar ends. Thank you for your feedback.
- Leslie_HubertusRet. Employee
Here's a comment from one of the survey feedbacks, keeping the submitter anonymous:
"Please bring back article series linking. In this version of DevCentral I have no idea if an article is part of a series or not, and where the other articles may be?" Thanks Leslie - adding this feedback to the existing Suggestion is valuable. Anyone watching/interested in this request is welcome (encouraged) to comment here or simply give thumbs up to the idea at the top of the page.
That will help to let me know how widespread the sentiment is.
- Kevin_Davies
Its widespread.
- Leslie_HubertusRet. Employee
LiefZimmerman - maybe an article that lists and links to article series articles? An everything-in-one-place thing we can keep updated as new articles get published?
Leslie_Hubertus - sure; it'd be a stop-gap measure.
- F54Life
Please, bring back Series ArticleList
No strict timeline yet but...Article Series' are on the event horizon for late 2024.
'nuff said- Status changed:AcceptedtoDelivered
ok - it's off the ground.
Article Series | DevCentral
Thanks for your patience while we got back to this.- You can find it in the nav menu at the top under Articles.
- You'll see the series appear on any article that is in a series...it'll show as a list at the left of the article.
I started with iRules and OWASP Top 10 because they were handy, small-ish, and established. Let me know which you'd like to see back sooner than later. I have a big list. some of which may not get the time unless you say so.
What do you wanna see next?
Javier_Velasco - the SYN Cookie Series is back online. :)
1. SYN Cookie: Intro | DevCentralalso
- Defense against DDOS series
Concept of F5 Device DoS and DoS profiles | DevCentral - SSL Orchestrator series
Implementing SSL Orchestrator - High Level Considerations | DevCentral - OWASP Top 10 compilations
What Is The OWASP Top Ten? | DevCentral
More on their way...
- Kevin_Davies
- Defense against DDOS series