vcmp host
7 TopicsViprion files on blades.
Hello, I have a Viprion with 2 blades. When I am deleting ISO files on /shared/images they are coming back after a while. I am sure they arent used in any guest. I did the delete in CLI with a rm command. I saw this in the LTM logs on the VCMP host after the delete command. Dec 19 13:46:56 slot2/f5mechl2 notice vcmpd[13223]: 01510006:5: Adding BIGIP- to slot 1 map.611Views0likes4CommentsSharing same VLAN between vCMP guest
Hello, This question is regarding to sharing same VLAN between vCMP guest for F5 viprion platform. lets say, I have a VLAN 10 which is tagged to interface 1.1 at vCMP host level and propagated to Guest A in common partition. -For the guest B can I use same VLAN? -What would be the recommend way to share VLANs between guests? -Can we tag VLAN 10 to 1.2 interface at vCMP host level and share it with Guest B?544Views0likes2CommentsSteps to upgrade a vCMP host.
According to this article, the steps to upgrade a vCMP host are: Re-activate the host license. Shutdown the guests one at a time by setting the requested state to Configured. Proceed with the upgrade. Is this correct? I've also read (and been told) that you should set the guests to Provision before upgrading. So is it Configured or Provision?1.6KViews0likes5CommentsDevice Service Clustering (vCMP guests not failing over when physical vCMP host interface fails)
Hello, Today we have the following physical setup for two 5250v F5s that we are using as vCMP host for 5 vCMP guests in each of them. These vCMP guest are configured in an HA pair using Device Service Clustering with load aware. They are homogeneous. Last week we had failover tests in the Data Center and brought down manually the physical interfaces from the switch side that are members of Port-Channel107 shown in the picture and the fail-over did not occur. While in the vCMP host we noticed the the port status changed to down in the physical interface, this was not passed over to the vCMP guests and that is what I am assuming was the cause of the failing over not happening. We did see all the VIPs, Nodes, Pools going down on the active unit but the failover was not triggered and cause all the applications to fail. Questions: -Is the expected behavior not to pass the status of the physical interfaces in the vCMP host to the vCMP guests? -Is there something that I am missing in my current configuration that is causing these vCMP guests not to fail-over when the physical interfaces in the vCMP host fail? -Do I need to use HA groups to monitor the trunks instead of load aware for the fail-over to be triggered?382Views0likes1CommentF5 i5800 vCMP dedicated high memory
Hello Guys, a client have 2 F5 i5800 physical appliances and there is requirement to use virtualization and have more than one F5 context/vCMP. So I already configured and installed 2 vCMPs which are HA pairs and work fine. Active/Standby vCMPs reside on different physical F5s. BUT after a few weeks I saw F5 hardware appliances are working constantly at more than 90% memory usage. Everything is working fine but this is bothering me. Could there be any issue or maybe this is normal? I was searching for more than 2 weeks here and other resources without any result. I also used iHealth but there was no "memory usage warning" or something similar. Can anyone give some advice on this?370Views0likes2CommentsLicense reactivation during vCMP host upgradation
Hello Folks, Need help. I am planning to upgrade the vCMP host from version 11.4.x to 12.1.2 HF1. I compared the License Check date for the new version of software and the Service Check date on my current license. Service Check date is later thank the License check dates. 2 questions here Is it still mandatory to re-activate the license if am ok from above perspective? While reactivating the license, will I require the original license key for the device to re-license again. Or will it appear automatically when I try to re-license? Has anyone done this task if you can share what you did it will be great. Thanks in Advance238Views0likes1CommentvCMP host physical memory is 0
Hi, In my environment I have a physical device that is running multiple vCMP guests. When I try to access certain information, mgmt/shared/identified-devices/config/device-info endpoint to be precise, physicalMemory is showing as 0. When I try to access the same endpoint on vCMP guests I get a correct value that I have configured while I was setting up vCMP guests. When I try to perform an SNMP get request for this property on the physical device I get a correct value. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance242Views0likes1Comment