priority group activation
15 TopicsPriority Group activation between 10 servers
Hi All, Is it possible to enable the priority group activation between 10 servers- condition is that at a time any one server should up, if it goes down any other one server become active and serve the request. Meaning out of 10 servers 1 should serve the request on F5 LTM.31Views0likes1Commentpriority group activation
Hi all, I used f5 priority group activation When my pool member fail and the second pool member come to active the traffic forward to the lower group pool member, But when the higher pool member goes up, the active connections stay on the lower group. Any built-in solution for stopping connections to the lower group and forwarding existing connections to the higher priority group meme er that come back?1.3KViews0likes10CommentsQuestion on Priority Group Activation
Hi, I want to make my virtual server with 9 pool member automatically disabled when four of its pool member are down. Can I achieve this with below settings : 1. Put all the pool members to the same priority group for example 5 2. Under Priority Group Activation, I would select 6 viz., traffic should be processed by the pool members of group 5 till the pool have 6 minimum active members failing which the group shall not process the traffic. Now, as all the pool members belong to same priority group 5 and when PGA conditions fails would the virtual server would be down as there are no more pool members to accept the traffic ?? Please provide your inputs. Thanks, MSK202Views0likes1CommentF5 Priority Group Activation _ Fallback
Hi All, I am newbie learning F5 load-balancing. It would like to clarify one of my doubt in Priority Group Activation. Lets say I have below servers in a pool with Activation Number set to 2. S1 - 10 S2 - 9 S3 - 8 S4 - 7 > So at first S1 and S2 will be elected for loadbalancing. At failure of S1, S3 will be added into the pool for loadbalancing. > What is S1 comes back, will any election happen again to include S1 back to pool? If yes, will S3 continue to stay to serve existing active connections, but removed from loadbalacing for new connections?798Views0likes2CommentsPriority Group Activation Secondary Node
I want to keep all new and existing traffic on a secondary node after a failure and resumption of the primary. This is a very flaky application, however, so we would like to fail back to the primary if the secondary fails without manual intervention- meaning manual resume is off the table. Any ideas? Thanks!381Views0likes3CommentsPriority Group Activation/Destination Persistence
Below is an example of what I am looking to achieve: Priority Group Activation enabled - less than 1 available member(s) Server1 - priority 2 Server2- priority 1 Server1 goes offline and all connections are now routed to Server2. Server1 comes back online but all connections will continue to route to Server2 - until Server2 fails its health check - returning all traffic to Server1. Is this achieved with Priority Group Activation AND Destination Address persistence? If Server1 comes back online and the persistence entry has timed out, will the next connection attempt be routed to Server2 or will it return to the higher priority group member - Server1?359Views0likes1CommentPGA and Priority Group together.
Hello Folks, Having a doubt about PGA and Priority Groups on the pool members. As per the documentation you have to use the 2 together: "This setting is used in tandem with the pool feature known as priority group activation. You use the priority group activation feature to configure the minimum number of members that must be available before the BIG-IP system begins directing traffic to members in a lower priority group." So if I configure the pool members with their respective priority group but do not set a "less than" for the PGA, that means that the priority on the members will not take effect and the requests will be balanced in a round-robin fashion if that is the load balance method configured? Thanks.359Views0likes2CommentsSelective Priority Group Activation
My question: I have a set-up in which a pool contains 8 members: 4 at priority level 1 and 4 at priority level 2 I want traffic to be directed to the primary members (priority level 2) until the point at which there is only 1 member remaining (judged dead by a health monitor). At this point I want traffic to be routed entirely to priority level 1 pool members and not at all to the last remaining level 2 member. I looked at Priority Group Activation, but this seems to start supplementing priority level 2 members with members from the lower priority pool... rather than switching all traffic to the lower priority pool at a specified point. I do not want to set the Priority Group Activation "Less than 1", which would leave me with only 1 server in priority group 2; would result in all traffic flowing through a single box. Using priority group activation appears to mix traffic between separate priority groups - I want to use one or another... but switch to the lower priority entirely at a specific point. Any help appreciated Any help in posting would be appreciated.287Views0likes1CommentPriority group activation - what if lowest priority group has less servers than the "less than" setting?
Say we have the following setup: Priority group 2: 4 servers Priority group 1: 2 servers Activation: less than 3 servers How will this behave when we lose 2 servers from priority group 2? At that point it will meet the "less than 3 servers" criteria to trigger pg1 ... but that group ALSO has < 3 servers, right when it gets activated. Will traffic at that point nevertheless be flowing to the remaining 2 servers in pg2, AND to the 2 servers in pg1? Thx!292Views0likes4CommentsExisting connections with Priority Group Activation - minimizing client impact, timeouts, etc.
Hi, we're using PGA for an active/standby config, with an either/or relationship between the groups (activation set to < 1 server). We're finding that when the higher priority group is reactivated, existing connections to the servers in the lower priority group continue to be used for some time. What are the settings that affect this? Slow ramp is involved, based on some of the answers here - persistence method? Action on service down (when a priority group is deactivated, does "action on service down" come into play?)? Other? And how does each setting come into play with PGA group activation/deactivation? What settings would be required if we wanted as immediate as possible a switch back to the higher priority servers, potentially even immediate as soon as the group becomes available? These questions are touched on by various questions/answers here, but no clear picture emerges (at least for me). Can point to a KB or guide that nails it all down cleanly?304Views0likes1Comment