6 TopicsPEM Policy Rule Classification Didnt Match
i run PEM POC in my lab and managed to control bandwidth or drop traffic for selected subscriber with any application. when trying to limit YouTube traffic, it seems the policy didnt match the youtube traffic even with custom URL category. below is my configuration where else can i take a look? pem policy 15mbps_policy { rules { youtube_block { classification-filters { filter0 { category Video } } precedence 2 qos-rate-pir-downlink OneFiveMbps_Limiter qos-rate-pir-uplink OneFiveMbps_Limiter url-categorization-filters { url_category0 { url-category AA_Custom_URL } } } } } pem policy Drop { rules { Drop_Rule { gate-status disabled precedence 1 } } }667Views0likes5CommentsHow does F5 PEM send API HTTP Requests to an orchestration system?
Recently I decided to read a little about the F5 options for a service and mobile providers just to have a basic culture if I am asked about the options. I understood how subscriber discovery works with DHCP and Radius AAA and got an idea that with irules and supersideband even HTTP API requests can be used to get the subscriber info. Nice and all but then I watched this 8 year old video (308) BIG-IP Policy Enforcement Manager (PEM) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Demo - YouTube and I just don't get how PEM sends API requests nativly as shown in the video, maybe again F5 irule sudeband is used or the F5 Virtual Network Functions Manager (VNFM) is used but the video shows that PEM can send API requests to autoscale servers and I from what I have read VNFM is for autoscaling F5 virtual machines Virtual Network Functions and not 3rth party virtual machine servers. Maybe I am wrong and PEM has native option for API requests oe the VNFM can autoscale not only F5 VM devices, so I deceded to check with the community.Solved2.7KViews0likes3CommentsPEM Policy Rule - Custom Syntax
Hello I want to change a PEM policy rule. Instead of adding source or destination IPs in the flow section, I want to use the custom option to point to a data group of the IP addresses. This is due to the fact I have lots of IP addresses in the source\dst and some repetitive rules that the protocol and action differentiate one from another, so pointing to a shared data group of IP addresses from a single point makes sense to me, to avoid mistakes. The thing is, I couldn't find anywhere the syntax of pointing to a data group Thanks in advanced for any help.391Views0likes1CommentHow to configure "PEM GY interface"
Hi, i have been searching for how to configure "PEM GY interface" .i configured below in "profile of subscriber management" pem profile diameter-endpoint Gy_endpoint { defaults-from diameter-endpoint destination-host none destination-realm OCS fatal-grace-time { time 500 } msg-max-retransmits 2 msg-retransmit-delay 1500 origin-host origin-realm product-name BIG-IP supported-apps { Gy } is the configuration correct? any other configuration required for " PEM GY interface"?Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.357Views0likes3Comments