Forum Discussion

hasmadihadi's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Mar 22, 2023

PEM Policy Rule Classification Didnt Match

i run PEM POC in my lab and managed to control bandwidth or drop traffic for selected subscriber with any application.

when trying to limit YouTube traffic, it seems the policy didnt match the youtube traffic even with custom URL category.

below is my configuration

where else can i take a look?

pem policy 15mbps_policy {

    rules {

        youtube_block {

            classification-filters {

                filter0 {

                    category Video



            precedence 2

            qos-rate-pir-downlink OneFiveMbps_Limiter

            qos-rate-pir-uplink OneFiveMbps_Limiter

            url-categorization-filters {

                url_category0 {

                    url-category AA_Custom_URL






pem policy Drop {

    rules {

        Drop_Rule {

            gate-status disabled

            precedence 1


