Forum Discussion
PEM Policy Rule Classification Didnt Match
i run PEM POC in my lab and managed to control bandwidth or drop traffic for selected subscriber with any application.
when trying to limit YouTube traffic, it seems the policy didnt match the youtube traffic even with custom URL category.
below is my configuration
where else can i take a look?
pem policy 15mbps_policy {
rules {
youtube_block {
classification-filters {
filter0 {
category Video
precedence 2
qos-rate-pir-downlink OneFiveMbps_Limiter
qos-rate-pir-uplink OneFiveMbps_Limiter
url-categorization-filters {
url_category0 {
url-category AA_Custom_URL
pem policy Drop {
rules {
Drop_Rule {
gate-status disabled
precedence 1
What about using only url filter without ''category Video'' app filter as you may not have licensed this or you may need to configure it with iRules as below. Probaly you have checked if changing " precedence " or the rules if it changes something like making rule 1 with precedence 1 and rule 2 (the drop rule) with precedence 2.
Also check if the url database is correctly been pulled. Maybe with irule to see if youtube is corectly checked:
Outside of that I can't give you more suggestions as this is also a hard topic for me 🙂
- hasmadihadi
i have tried select url filter only but still didnt match.
let me try iRule if it works..Also it is interesting if you can check if the subscriber is matching the default second policy as mentioned in Maybe also try to see if you can enable extra logging under Policy Enforcement > Subscribers > Activity Log > Configuration as you can use a local publisher to see the data on the F5 device itself.
That are my final ideas as this could be a lab related issue as PEM is usually not available for LAB VM and maybe with the URL DB not licensed even the custom URL categories could having issues but I can't confirm this.
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