Forum Discussion

Darren_Walker_2's avatar
Jan 02, 2018

View all pool members' homepage on a single web page

We use three iframes to show the three different pool members on one web page so we can visually ensure that the website's home page is displaying correctly. Because we have a sitecore website we've had issues where the HTTP response is 200 OK but the webpage would be missing elements, like the body of the html or the footer or a splash page. Is there an ADC way of doing this (not just a status page with all the nodes listed up or down) but as the actual rendering of the pool members all on one web page?


2 Replies

  • Im not sure but you can monitor multiple sites add all to virtual, so that if any specific page have issues..F5 keeep down state for that node and other nodes works.


    Thx Srini


  • I think we will utilize content validation monitors but with multiple editors and multiple sites we'll have to come up with an established string that no one edits.