Forum Discussion

jwham20's avatar
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Feb 01, 2012

RSA 2012 Devcentral Security Shindig Contest

Attending RSA 2012? Hitting up Bsides San Francisco?


The F5 Security team will be out and about trying to stay out of trouble. Since they promised to be good, we're rewarding them with an F5 DevCentral Security Shindig.



What: Food, drink, and a gathering of Security folk.


When: Monday Feb 27, 8:30 pm -10:30 pm


Location: Secret Lair(ok maybe not a lair.. but it has food and drinks, and no rats) Location will be revealed to attendees.


Why: Giving Hackers some time to relax, eat, drink and chat.




Want to get in on the Security Shindig?



Check out to the DevCentral Security topic: RSA/Bsides Security Conference. Read the rules of the contest and then stay tuned via email or twitter (@f5security) for contest questions.






How it works:


Randomly over the next 2 weeks, F5Security will post a question/contest topic in this forum and blast a notification to Twitter. Add our twitter @F5security and make sure to subscribe to this forum topic!



First person to email (with your devcentral user name in the email body) with the correct answer might be declared the winner. Afraid your email has been eaten by trolls? You can can also send a direct message to @f5security via bird song.



How Winners are chosen:


Each contest will have at least 1, but no more than 1024 winners. Winners will be determined by a highly scientific algorithm involving complex geometric shapes and bagpipes.



What the Winners get:


Each winner will receive an invitation to the F5 Devcentral Security Shindig at RSA/Bsides 2012.



All winners must be over the age of 21 and attending either RSA 2012 or Bsides San Francisco.





Complaints: Please submit all complaints to /dev/null



Other comments can be sent to

4 Replies

  • First Challenge:



    The following is often heard at security planning meeting:



    sverjnyyf ner sha ohg abg jura gurl snyy



    Know the phrase? Email your answer to . Please include your Devcentral Username!
  • Second Challenge: (yes, first challenge has been solved, try rot-13)



    Who said:



    "You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike"



    (Real name)



    Email your answer to . Please include your Devcentral Username!
  • Third Challege:



    Feeling festive, I kick on my handing dandy network scanning tool and start pinging the target.



    What sort of scan lights up the TCP packet in a holiday fashion? (Bonus points if you include the syntax of the command)



    Email your answer to . Please include your Devcentral Username!
  • Final Challenge:



    This DNS Root Server has the most number of physical hosts for anycast. Letter and number of host scores.



    Email your answer to . Please include your Devcentral Username!