Forum Discussion

DRP's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 07, 2015

Looking for iRule to convert non-ascii character to ascii

We have users having French character in their name and so F5 convert entire att.dn into hex string. And so comparison against the DN (to see what OU the user is in) breaks.


attr.dn' set to '0x434e3d....'


Is there iRule available to fix this issue until newer software release comes out.


And yes I am new to iRule. So please provide as much detail as possible like which line does what. Thank you for your support.


4 Replies

  • adack's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    That's what worked for me:

    proc hex2ascii {sHex} {
        # latin-1 supplement, unicode u+0000 - u+00ff
        set iByte 0
        # check if string begins with '0x'
        if { [scan $sHex {0x%s} sHex] > 0} {
            # loop each character
            foreach sChar [ split [binary format H* $sHex] ""] {
                # convert to decimal
                scan $sChar %c iChar
                if {$iChar < 0x80} {
                    # standard ascii
                    append sAscii $sChar
                } elseif {$iChar > 0xc2} {
                    set iByte [expr ({$iChar} - 0xc2) * 0x40]
                } elseif  {$iChar < 0xc2} {
                    # convert to ascii
                    append sAscii "[format %c [expr {$iByte} + {$iChar}]]"
                    set iByte 0
            return $sAscii
        } else {
            return $sHex

    Calling the function with the following attribute will return ASCII

    [call hex2ascii 0x434e3d....]

    Hope this helps.

    • Used this today for the same purpose, it's working.

      [encoding] TCL commands seem not to be available in iRule (tested in v13-14)

  • Are these characters actually supported by ASCII? If not, they can't be converted into ASCII surely?

    This is a tough one for a newbie to be facing.

    Something like this might work:

    set hex_string [what_ever_you_use_to_get_the_hex_dn]
    set some_variable [binary format a* [encoding convertto utf-8 [$hex_string]]
    log local0. "The converted string is ${some_variable}"

    The string, scan and expr commands can also be used in some fashion but without a way to test I can't confidently say what will work I'm afraid.

  • In 12.0.0


    ID 399693:


    t is now possible to use the -decode option for mcget command of a branch rule to decode a session variable before using it. When you create an agent and add a branch rule, the default value of the rule contains an mcget command to fetch the session variable. By default, the session variable is HEX encoded if it contains non-ASCII characters. You need to modify the command in advanced mode and insert the -decode option for mcget command, for example: expr { [mcget -decode {}] contains "non-ASCII-characters" }