Forum Discussion

RobL216's avatar
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May 23, 2022

Load Balance LDAPS


So I have followed this document, Load balancing LDAPS on BIG-IP systems (, and before trying the LDAPS part thought I would just ry with 393 first.  That works fine.

However following the first part of the document with just passthrough for LDAPS fails.  If I create the monitor and put the port 636 and No Security as noted in the document for passthorugh it states all nodes are down.

If I enable SSL in the security nodes are shown as up but when I try and connect to the VS using that monitor and pool it cannot connect.

Not sure as I have followed the document letter for letter but is does not seem to work for LDAPS.  Am I missing something or do I need to use the SSL offloading method?

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

  • RobL216Would you be able to provide your configuration so that I can look it over? I am unsure what port 393 is that you have referenced but the port should be 636. From my understanding the only difference between the two configurations provided in the article is the introduction of the SSL profiles on the Virtual Server for SSL decrypt and encrypt from client to VS and VS to LDAPS servers.