Forum Discussion

raindrop18's avatar
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Dec 29, 2022

F5 Telmeter to Node Exporter

Hello,   I want to stream F5 Telemetry to Node_exporter because node exporter is integrated with Oracle cloud. how ever the node_exporter config accepts only HTTP URLs as we know the F5 endpoint is...
  • JRahm's avatar
    Jan 18, 2023

    Dropped the ball, raindrop18, sorry about that! So you need to query http://, not https://, because of a limitation in the node_exporter, but you don't want to expose the BIG-IP username/password?

    Not sure I can recommend that scenario, but if you wanted to try something (caution: rolling your own crypto is bad) you could send a salted hash in a cookie from a string you choose (not username/password) and then in an iRule on a virtual listening on port 80 with a client-addr requirement of your node_exporter system, have that known string also salted and hashed to compare, and then in the iRule set node as localhost and insert as basic auth your username/password in iRule with your TS endpoint URI...again, this is a bad idea, but it is possible.