Forum Discussion

Kel's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 13, 2017

F5 BIGIP VE is failing to install on VMWARE ESXi 6.5

May you help pointing me in the right direction for the issue am facing here. Please note that I am only facing issue on VMware ESXi 6.5. Deployments on prior ESXi versions and Workstations are working as expected.


Problem Details


F5 BIGIP VE is failing to install on VMware ESXi 6.5 with error message "Failed to deploy VM: postNFCData failed: Capacity of uploaded disk is larger than requested".


Tests Done


  1. Tried deploying BIGIP- and it failed with same error message.
  2. Tried deploying BIGIP- and it failed with same error message.
  3. Successfully installed BIGIP-



VM creation with any F5 OVA template with two *.vmdk files is failing. Seems BIGIP- deployment succeeded because it has ONE *.vmdk file.


  • Did you try with vSphere web client?

    I have also issues when using vSphere web client to deploy OVA.

    to deploy OVA, I use sphere client (version from 5.5 is working) or ovftool (Mac OS X path):

    /Applications/VMware\\ OVF\ Tool/ovftool -dm=thin -ds=MyDataStore -n="MyF5" --net:External=F5-lab-external --net:HA=F5-lab-HA  --net:Internal="F5-lab-internal" --net:Management="F5-lab-Mgmt" /F5/12.1.2/BIGIP- vi://root@
  • for me it worked on the web gui client, try with both flash and hmtl5 and different browsers. it is kinda sad vmware made such a mess, but in the end it did work.


  • I get the same "Failed to deploy VM: postNFCData failed: Capacity of uploaded disk is larger than requested" on ESXi 6.5 Update 1 (Build 5969303) when trying to load BIGIP-


    The first 20GB vmdk file appears to load but the second 129GB Thin or Thick vmdk fails and triggers the error (I have 392GB of free VMFS space available). Failed using the following:


    Chromium 63 on Ubuntu 17.10 / Firefox 58 on Ubuntu 17.10 / Firefox 58 on Windows 10


    Loading the ova with ovftool works fine (Thanks everyone for pointing me in that direction).


  • From what I have read, the Flash client is only available in vCenter 6.5. Individual ESXi 6.5 servers only have the HTML5 client.


    I have a single ESXi 6.5 server for my home lab, so I am using the HTML5 client.


  • I had to modify the examples above to get it to work. Here is a generic example for OSX


    cd /Applications/VMware OVF Tool/


    ./ovftool --acceptAllEulas --noSSLVerify --skipManifestCheck -ds="datastore" --diskMode=thin -n="BIGIP-" --net:External="VM Network" --net:Internal="VM Network" --net:HA="VM Network" --net:Management="VM Network" --powerOn BIGIP- vi://root:"PASSWORD"@SERVER IP


    FYI: The documentation for the OVFTool -


  • RomanJ's avatar
    Ret. Employee

    My example from Windows to vSphere 5.5:

    "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" --acceptAllEulas -st=ova -dm=thin -ds="NetApp_VM-Storage" -vf="folder" -n="BIGIP-13.0.0-0.0.ALL-scsi" --net:External="VLAN 1 External" --net:HA="VLAN 2 HA" --net:Internal="VLAN 3 Internal" --net:Management="VLAN 4 Mgmt" "C:\Users\bob\Downloads\BIGIP-13.0.0-0.0.ALL-scsi.ova" "vi://bob@//host/"

  • This is not nescessarily an error. I have seen it on various machines. Not just F5 virtual machines. Just pay attention wether or not the machine is actually deployed.