Forum Discussion

John_Harrison's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 17, 2019

Create a nightly configsync to the group

Last week we ended up hitting an odd bug, it caused the ADC to crash each time a certain condition was hit - in our case between 5-10 minutes. Because we had synced the config after our change both devices were rebooting and causing serious issues.


From that, we would like to change our process to not automatically or manually save configurations to the group, but rather run a scheduled sync process at night knowing the new config had enough burn in time to not have serious problems.


I would have expected that to be a feature out of the box but research on devcentral doesn't suggest this is a common requirement.


Anyone have suggestions? I assume we'll be setting up a cron job to run configsync from the shell but we'll want it to run on all nodes in the cluster and check to ensure only nodes with the newest config (or the active node) sync to the group, the others will determine they need to sync from the group to themselves.


Suggestions? Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

  • I would suggest you only run a configsync on the active node, regardless of which node has newest config - otherwise you will be implementing changes in the active configuration without anybody "present" when it happens. Or even better, if your script sees changes on the standby, generate an alert/notice for next morning.