Forum Discussion

Angus_2141's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Jul 08, 2010

bigpipe config sync vs bigpipe config sync all

Just curious what the difference is between "config sync" and "config sync all". b help shows the following for config sync all



bigpipe config sync all


Creates a temporary *.ucs file and transfers it to the other BIG-


IP system. Installs the *.ucs file on the other BIG-IP system.


though later it notes:


sync Saves the current configuration and copies it to the other unit in


the redundant system.



When I run config sync all I see:



b config sync all


Synchronizing Master Keys...


Saving active configuration...


Configsync Mode: Push


Transferring UCS to peer...


Installing UCS on peer...



and when I drop the all I see:


config sync


Synchronizing Master Keys...


Saving active configuration...


Configsync Mode: Push


Transferring UCS to peer...


Installing UCS on peer...



It seems there is no difference?




2 Replies

  • I think 'b config sync' and 'b config sync all' are the same. The current full config running in memory is saved to a UCS file, copied to the peer and loaded. The difference seems to be between 'b config sync (all)' and 'b config sync min'. The latter just saves the current running config to the /config/bigip.conf file, copies that to the peer and loads it. The min operation doesn't include the SSL certs/keys, or any of the following files:


















    Unless you have some specific reason to sync just the bigip.conf, I'd suggest using 'b config sync'.



  • Angus_2141's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    That was conclusion I came to also that there is no difference between sync and sync all. I agree the best practice in most cases will be config sync as opposed to config sync min.


