Forum Discussion

birchy's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 20, 2020

Best practices Windows DNS forwarding to F5 DNS



We currently are using our F5 DNS behind our Windows DNS (our Windows DNS forwards specific DNS requests to our two F5 DNS devices) - is there any best practices in this setup?


The challenge we face currently is that Windows DNS will only round robin send requests to our two F5 DNS - if we lose one of the F5 devices half of the requests will obviously not work as Windows DNS is not smart enough to do health checks.


The F5 devices are in a sync group so they are independent but configuration is synced between them.


Is there a better / more intelligent way of setting this up? any direction to documentation would also be grateful.

  • There is nothing you could do on F5 to solve your problem.


    Here are the options you have:


    1) Configure Windows DNS to track failed requests. If failed requests counter crosses certain threshold, stop sending DNS requests to that F5 DNS node, send all requests to the other F5 node and generate a Alert that one of the F5 DNS node is down.


    2) If Windows DNS is not smart enough to do health monitoring, make it smart. For example, write a power-shell script to regularly check F5 DNS service availability


    Hope this helps,



2 Replies

  • NAG's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    There is nothing you could do on F5 to solve your problem.


    Here are the options you have:


    1) Configure Windows DNS to track failed requests. If failed requests counter crosses certain threshold, stop sending DNS requests to that F5 DNS node, send all requests to the other F5 node and generate a Alert that one of the F5 DNS node is down.


    2) If Windows DNS is not smart enough to do health monitoring, make it smart. For example, write a power-shell script to regularly check F5 DNS service availability


    Hope this helps,



  • Dear Nimbostratus,

    could you help me on the integration of Microsoft DNS forward to F5 DNS? If you can share me any documents related to this.