Manage F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF Policies with Terraform (Part 2 - Policy Import)
You may already have multiple F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF policies protecting your applications and these F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF policies have evolved over the past months or years. It may be very complicated to do an extensive inventory of each policy, each entity and every attribute. So the goal here is to import the current policy, which will be our current baseline. Every new change, addition of a Server Technology, parameter, attack signature... will be done through Terraform in addition or correction of this new baseline.
Table of Content
- Table of Content
- Import workflow
- Files creation
- Getting the Policy ID
- Run the import into the Terraform project
- Demo Video
- Resources
- Article Series
Import workflow
Files creation
Create 3 files:
- inputs.tfvars
variable bigip {}
variable username {}
variable password {}
bigip = ""
username = "admin"
password = "whatIsYourBigIPPassword?"
terraform {
required_providers {
bigip = {
source = "F5Networks/bigip"
version = "1.15"
provider "bigip" {
address = var.bigip
username = var.username
password = var.password
resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
partition = "Common"
name = "scenario2"
The resource bigip_waf_policy is just a “place holder” for importing the resource.
As you can see, we only define the two required attributes of the bigip_waf_policy terraform resource: name and template_name. It is required to provide them in order to be able to manage the resource.
Getting the Policy ID
Just before we go. We need the Policy ID. There are multiple ways we can get it. You can choose any of those:
- if you have access to the iControl REST API Endpoint: /mgmt/tm/asm/policies?$filter=name+eq+scenario2&$select=id
- get a script example in the lab/scripts/ folder of the GitHub repo of examples (see Appendix)
- using the following Go code
Here, we are using the Online Go Playground as it is easy and quick to use:
a/ copy the following piece of code in the Go PlayGround
b/ update the value of the following variables located in the main function:
var partition string = "Common"
var policyName string = "scenario2"
c/ Run and get the policy ID.
package main
import (
b64 "encoding/base64"
func Hasher(policyName string) string {
hasher := md5.New()
encodedString := b64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
return strings.TrimRight(encodedString, "=")
func main() {
var partition string = "Common"
var policyName string = "scenario2"
fullName := "/" + partition + "/" + policyName
policyId := Hasher(fullName)
r := strings.NewReplacer("/", "_", "-", "_", "+", "-")
fmt.Println("Policy Id: ", r.Replace(policyId))
Run the import into the Terraform project
Now, run the following commands, so we can:
- Initialize the terraform project
- Import the current F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF policy into our state
- Set the JSON F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF Policy as our new baseline
- Configure the lifecycle of our F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF Policy
Now update your terraform file with the ouputs of the following two commands:
foo@bar:~$ terraform show -json | jq '.values.root_module.resources[].values.policy_export_json | fromjson' > importedWAFPolicy.json
foo@bar:~$ terraform show -no-color
resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
application_language = "utf-8"
id = "EdchwjSqo9cFtYP-iWUJmw"
name = "scenario2"
partition = "Common"
policy_export_json = jsonencode([...])
policy_id = "EdchwjSqo9cFtYP-iWUJmw"
type = "security"
using the collected data from the terraform import, we are now updating our file:
resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
application_language = "utf-8"
name = "scenario2"
partition = "Common"
policy_id = "EdchwjSqo9cFtYP-iWUJmw"
type = "security"
policy_import_json = file("${path.module}/importedWAFPolicy.json")
Demo Video