Spring4shell iApp

Code is community submitted, community supported, and recognized as ‘Use At Your Own Risk’.

Short Description

iApp to simplify deployment of spring4shell 

Problem solved by this Code Snippet

My friend and colleague Ismael wrote a useful iRule to mitigate the spring4shell CVE 2022-22965 which is accessible at iRule to assist with CVE-2022-22965 mitigation.

This is an iApp which helps with deployment of Ismael's iRule. This has not been tested in lab or production, you should test that this operates for you before deploying to a production environment.

How to use this Code Snippet

  • Install the iApp template on BIG-IP by going to iApps>Temples>Templates and import the template
  • Deploy a copy of the template  at iApps>Application Services>Applications. Set the logging level etc as required and hit Finished
  • Apply the iRule to a Virtual Server


Code Snippet Meta Information

  1. Version: TMOS 11+
  2. Coding Language: TCL/iApp

Full Code Snippet





cli admin-partitions {
    update-partition Common
sys application template /Common/spring4shell {
    actions {
        definition {
            html-help {
            implementation {
                set app_dir [tmsh::pwd]
				set app_name $tmsh::app_name
				set rule {when RULE_INIT {
     # iRule mitigation for Spring4Shell CVE-2022-22965 
    # Written by Ismael Goncalves
    # Used iRule from F5 SIRT Log4j as basis 
    # This v1.0 - simple match on pattern observed in public exploits/PoC

    # set debugLogging to 0 not to log, 1 to log without exploit, 2 to log exploit

    set tmpUri [HTTP::uri -normalized] 
    set uri [URI::decode $tmpUri]
    set loopCount 1
    while { $uri ne $tmpUri } {
        if {$loopCount >= <%=$::main__decodingLoops%>} {
            <%D1={log local0.info "spring4shell_rce_detection drop on URI loop limit: $loopCount Source IP: [IP::client_addr]"}%>
            <%D2={log local0.debug "spring4shell_rce_detection drop on URI loop limit: $loopCount $uri Source IP: [IP::client_addr]"}%>
            unset -nocomplain tmpUri uri loopLimit loopCount
            <% if { $::main__blocking > 0 }{ %>
            # Blocking is set, so drop request
            event disable all
        } else {
            set tmpUri $uri
            set uri [URI::decode $tmpUri]
            incr loopCount
    unset -nocomplain tmpUri loopLimit loopCount

    if { $uri matches_regex {(?i)class[\.]module[\.]classLoader} } {
        <%D1={log local0.info "spring4shell_rce_detection drop on URI Source IP: [IP::client_addr]"}%>
        <%D2={log local0.debug "spring4shell_rce_detection drop on URI: $uri Source IP: [IP::client_addr]"}%>
        <% if { $::main__blocking > 0 }{ %>
        # Blocking is set, so drop request
        event disable all
    unset -nocomplain uri
    # POST & PUT Payload blocking collection
    if {([HTTP::method] eq "POST") || ([HTTP::method] eq "PUT")} {
    # Trigger collection for up to <%=$::main__collectSize%>Bytes of data
        if {[HTTP::header "Content-Length"] ne "" && [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] <= <%=$::main__collectSize%>}{
            set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]
        } else {
            set content_length <%=$::main__collectSize%>
        # Check if $content_length is not set to 0
        if { $content_length > 0} {
            HTTP::collect $content_length

    # POST & PUT Payload blocking
    set tmpPayload [HTTP::payload]
    set payload [URI::decode $tmpPayload]
    set loopCount 1
    while { $payload ne $tmpPayload } {
        if {$loopCount >= <%=$::main__decodingLoops%>} {
            <%D1= {log local0.info "spring4shell_rce_detection drop on payload loop limit: $loopCount source IP: [IP::client_addr]"}%>
            <%D2= {log local0.debug "spring4shell_rce_detection drop on payload loop limit: $loopCount $payload source IP: [IP::client_addr]"}%>
            <% if { $::main__blocking > 0 }{ %>
                # Blocking is set, so drop request
                unset -nocomplain tmpPayload payload loopLimit loopCount
                event disable all
            <% } %>
        } else {
            set tmpPayload $payload
            set payload [URI::decode $tmpPayload]
            incr loopCount
    unset -nocomplain tmpPayload loopLimit loopCount

    if { $payload matches_regex {(?i)class[\.]module[\.]classLoader} } {
       <%D1= {log local0.info "spring4shell_rce_detection drop on payload source IP: [IP::client_addr]"}%>
       <%D2= {log local0.debug "spring4shell_rce_detection drop on payload: $payload source IP: [IP::client_addr]"}%> 
       <% if { $::main__blocking > 0 }{ %>
        # Blocking is set, so drop request
        event disable all
        <% } %>
    unset -nocomplain payload
				tmsh::create ltm rule ${app_name}_irule [tmsh::expand_macro $rule -debuginclusive $::main__debug ]

            presentation {
				section main {
					# The entry below creates a large text box that must be filled out with a valid IP Address
					# For details of APL, look at the iApps developers guide:
					# https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_ltm/manuals/product/bigip-iapps-developer-11-4-0.html
					choice debug display "medium" default "Off" {"Off" => "0", "On" => "1", "Debug" => "2" }
                    optional (debug == "2") {
                        message msg1 "Debug logging level should not be used in a high-throughput production environment"
                    choice blocking display "medium" default "Off" {"Off" => "0", "On" => "1"}
                    string collectSize display "medium" default "1048536"
                    string decodingLoops display "small" default "4"

				text {
					# Entities below set the text for the questions and section names, etc. Make them simple and relevant.
					main "Main"
					main.debug "Debug"
                    main.blocking "Blocking"
                    main.collectSize "Payload inspection size (Bytes)"
                    main.decodingLoops "Decoding Loops"
                    main.msg1 "WARNING"
            role-acl none
            run-as none
    description "spring4shell iApp for Ismael's iRule v1.0"
    ignore-verification false
    requires-bigip-version-max none
    requires-bigip-version-min none
    requires-modules { ltm }
    signing-key none
    tmpl-checksum none
    tmpl-signature none





Updated Aug 26, 2022
Version 3.0

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