The table Command: Examples

With version 10.1, we've given the session table some long-sought functionality, and revamped its iRules interface completely to give users a new, cleaner, full-featured way to keep track of global data. We are very proud to introduce the table command...

  1. Basics
  2. New Ways To Set Data
  3. New Ways To Alter Data
  4. Data Expiration
  5. Advanced Data Expiration
  6. Subtables
  7. Counting
  8. The Fine Print
  9. Examples

In this last part of the series on the usage of the new table command, we discuss various examples of the use of the table command.


Now that we've covered all of the pieces of the table command, let's see some larger real-world uses of making them work together, not only simplfying existing iRules, but making new things possible.

Limiting Connections To A VIP

On the Counting page, we gave one powerful example iRule that would have been too bulky and/or unreliable to do before: limit a VIP to a certain number of connections. That example can be easily modified to limit those connections by IP address as well. If you compare it to this example

    set tbl "connlimit:[IP::client_addr]"
    set key "[TCP::client_port]"

    if { [table keys -subtable $tbl -count] > 1000 } {
        event CLIENT_CLOSED disable
    } else {
        table set -subtable $tbl $key "ignored" 180
        set timer [after 60000 -periodic { table lookup -subtable $tbl $key }]
    after cancel $timer
    table delete -subtable $tbl $key

you can see that only the first two lines changed! We've gone from one global subtable to a subtable for each IP address. This is an example of the power of subtables and using them for scoping.

Blocking DNS Flood Attacks

This example to blacklist IPs if they make too many DNS queries per second, uses global arrays to keep track of the number of requests made in the current second, as well as the blacklist of IPs.

when RULE_INIT {
  set ::maxquery 100
  set ::holdtime 600
  set srcip [IP::remote_addr]
  set curtime [clock second]
  if { [ info exists ::blacklist($srcip) ] } {
    if { $::holdtime > [expr ${curtime} - $::blacklist($srcip) ] } {
    unset ::blacklist($srcip)
  if { [ info exists ::usertable(time,$srcip)] and $curtime == $::usertable(time,$srcip) } {
    incr ::usertable(freq,$srcip)
    if { $::usertable(freq,$srcip) > $::maxquery } {
      set ::blacklist($srcip) $curtime
      unset ::usertable(freq,$srcip)
      unset ::usertable(time,$srcip)
  } else {
    set ::usertable(freq,$srcip) 1
    set ::usertable(time,$srcip) $curtime

It has to do all of the work to remove old data from those arrays manually, so not only can that cause all those array entries to just accumulate in memory, but it demotes the VIP it gets attached to (because it uses global variables) .  If we use the table command instead as shown in the following code, a lot of the complexity is handled by the system, so it's now cleaner, simpler, and CMP-compatible. A win all around!

when RULE_INIT {
  set static::maxquery 100
  set static::holdtime 600
    set srcip [IP::remote_addr]
    if { [table lookup -subtable "blacklist" $srcip] != "" } {
    set curtime [clock second]
    set key "count:$srcip:$curtime"
    set count [table incr $key]
    table lifetime $key 2
    if { $count > $static::maxquery } {
        table add -subtable "blacklist" $srcip "blocked" indef $static::holdtime
        table delete $key

Limiting POST Requests Per User

Another example to limit POSTs per-user uses even more very tricky global array manipulation.

when RULE_INIT {
  set ::windowSecs 10
  if { [HTTP::method] eq "POST" } {
    if { ![HTTP::header exists Authorization] } {
      HTTP::respond 401
    set myUserID [getfield [b64decode [substr [HTTP::header "Authorization"] 6 end]] ":" 1]
    set myMaxRate [findclass $myUserID $::MaxPOSTRates3 " "]
    if { $myMaxRate ne "" }{
      set currentTime [clock seconds]
      if { [info exists ::timestamp($myUserID)] } {
        set i [ expr $currentTime - $::timestamp($myUserID) ]
        if { $i >  $::windowSecs } {
          set i $::windowSecs
        while { $i > 0} {
          for {set j  $::windowSecs} {$j > 0} {set j [expr $j - 1]} {
            set k [ expr $j - 1 ]
            set ::count($myUserID.$j) $::count($myUserID.$k)
          set ::count($myUserID.0) 0
          incr i -1
        set k 0
        for {set i 0} { $i < $::windowSecs} {incr i} {
          incr k $::count($myUserID.$i)
        if {$k < $myMaxRate } {
          incr ::count($myUserID.0)
          set ::timestamp($myUserID) $currentTime
        } else {
          HTTP::respond 302 Location http://asdf:44444/
      } else {
        for {set i 0} {$i < $::windowSecs} {incr i} {
          set ::count($myUserID.$i) 0
        set ::timestamp($myUserID) $currentTime
        set ::count($myUserID.0) 1

It can be very difficult to understand, to say nothing of trying to maintain or alter it. With the table command to do all of the heavy lifting for us, it becomes much simpler, lighter-weight, and CMP-compatible.

when RULE_INIT {
  set static::windowSecs 10
  if { [HTTP::method] eq "POST" } {
    if { ! [HTTP::header exists Authorization] } {
      HTTP::respond 401
    set myUserID [getfield [b64decode [substr [HTTP::header "Authorization"] 6 end]] ":" 1]
    set myMaxRate [findclass $myUserID $::MaxPOSTRates3 " "]
    if { $myMaxRate ne "" } {
      set reqnum [table incr "req:$myUserId"]
      set tbl "countpost:$myUserId"
      table set -subtable $tbl $reqnum "ignored" indef $static::windowSecs
      if { [table keys -subtable $tbl -count] > $myMaxRate } {
        HTTP::respond 302 Location http://asdf:44444/

That's pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. And once again, because the table command will expire the entries automatically, there's no need to worry about old data taking up memory.

We cannot wait to see all of the new (or old!) problems you solve with the help of the table command. Don't forget to show off your work in the iRules CodeShare!

Published Jan 13, 2010
Version 1.0

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  • Robin_Mordasie1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    What are the limitations of the session table ?


    I understand the database is in RAM.


    Am I limited by hardware platform ?


    Are there hard software limitations where tmm can only handle a certain number of records ?


    Are there performance improvements in v10 ?
  • spark_86682's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The session table is held in RAM, yes.



    There is no hardcoded limit on the number of entries. I expect that available memory is going to be the limiting factor, and this will obviously vary by platform. There are hard limits on the size of the key and the value, but I can't remember what they are offhand. I'll check and post back as soon as I can.



    This is a new feature in v10, so I don't really understand your last question.
  • spark_86682's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Keys and values in the session table are each limited to roughly 64K in v10.1. This limitation may be lifted or improved upon in future releases.