IIS X-Forward-For ISAPI Filter

A recent customer issue came up where they were load balancing servers but we unable to get the true client address logged in their IIS logs. They had their servers fronted by a BIG-IP and when clients would make requests the address passed to the server was the internal address and not that of the client.

This is a common issue with proxies and fortunately there is a standard for forwarding client information. It is the HTTP X-Forwarded-For header which is handled by most proxies. So, I set out to find an existing ISAPI filter to replace the c-ip (client ip) log value in IIS with the contents of the X-Forwarded-For header (if it exists). I was amazed to find that I couldn't find a single instance of any open source (or even commercial) filter that would do this.

So, I dug out Visual Studio and whipped up a filter that does just that. It's very basic and contains no user configuration so all you need to do is plug it into your Web Applications list of ISAPI Filters within the IIS Administration and you're set to go.

We've released the source under the iControl End User License Agreement (available in any iControl SDK download). You can download it here. If you find a way to optimize this filter, please let me know and I'll update the sources here.

After 24-hours of posting, a customer already returned some performance testing on the filter indicating that it only effected the traffic by less than 1 percent. I'm sure there are ways to optimize the memory allocation in the filter to speed this up a bit more, but I'll leave that for the community to work on.

Oh, and it should be noted that the X-Forwarded-For header isn't supported the same way across all proxy products so you'll want to make sure you test this out before using it. It is expecting the header to only contain an IP Address as it does a straight substitution on the value in the c-ip section of the log entry.



Published Sep 23, 2005
Version 1.0
  • Unfortunately, I can't test that configuration right now. I've released the source for both the ISAPI filter and HTTP module if anyone can take a look and try to figure it out. When I get some free time in a couple of weeks, I'll dig in and see if I can reproduce it.



  • Evidently this can now be done natively in IIS 7+ (WinSvr2008+) without requiring an ISAPI filter.



    In the article at LoadBalancer.org (http://blog.loadbalancer.org/iis-and-x-forwarded-for-header/) Rob Cooper discusses how you can now use "IIS Advanced Logging" installable feature to capture custom headers like X-Forwarded-For in the logs.
  • Attaching the installation file for "X-Forward-For ISAPI filter" mentioned as per the Article K4816, under the section "Microsoft IIS web server"

  • GT92's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi, I just saw you now have an HttpModule for the XFF, that's great! I went to GitHub the URL below but wasn't able to find the binaries. Hopefully I'm not an idiot :) What am I missing?

