Getting Started with Bigsuds–a New Python Library for iControl
I imagine the progression for you, the reader, will be something like this in the first six- or seven-hundred milliseconds after reading the title: Oh cool! Wait, what? Don’t we already have like two...
Published Nov 07, 2012
Version 1.0JRahm
Joined January 20, 2005
Joined January 20, 2005
Nov 25, 2013I only saw BigSuds cache'ing the WSDLs per device and, according to the code, have a TTL of 1 day. Sometimes I have to plow through 600+ devices with versions ranging form 9.4 to 11.1.
My goal is to have a local set of up-to-date WSDLs that I could read once and use on all the devices. This would speed up execution time of my scripts since they wouldn't have to re-fetch/re-parse the WSDLs every time.
The F5 Ruby gem has a set of WSDLs, but the gem is using an out-of-date SOAP library for the currernt version of Ruby and only loads the WSDLs needed for the task.
I'm switching to Python because it seems to be much better supported and more widely used.
Thanks again for your help