F5 in AWS Part 5 - Cloud-init, Single-NIC, and Auto Scale Out in BIG-IP
Updated for Current Versions and Documentation
Part 1 : AWS Networking Basics Part 2: Running BIG-IP in an EC2 Virtual Private Cloud Part 3: Advanced Topologies and More on Highly-Available Ser...
Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 3.0Alex__Applebaum
Joined June 12, 2006
Dec 21, 2018Hi Alex,
Great article and I have a question about the autoscaling design using different Availability Zones (AZ) in a single VPC.
Is this single-NIC auto-scaling setup of AWS also supported with different AZ in the VPC placing one F5 in each? Does the F5 Big IP VE and the web server need to be on the same subnet or do they have to be on different subnets? The ELB will route the traffic though the F5 using the Self IP as gateway and reaches the internal subnet is that the way it should be setup?