Don’t believe a word I say about Cloud – listen to my customer!

Everbridge is a critical communications platform provider - that’s what it says on their website. What their website won’t tell you is that the Everbridge IT team are a collective of experts when it comes to consuming cloud-based services, and they’ve put together a solid strategy that matches the high expectations of their customers without introducing risk to their business.

Critical Communications Platform what?
During critical events, Everbridge removes global, regional, and technology barriers, enabling organizations to quickly communicate and collaborate within the right context. They provide the most secure, comprehensive, and resilient platform on the market to improve critical communications and increase situational intelligence for diverse industries, including corporations, state and local government, healthcare, financial services, and higher education.

The services provided by Everbridge save lives, and as you’ve likely worked out for yourself they do not have the luxury of backing out of deployments, or rescheduling the migration of a service to a cloud platform. Their business requires them to react, quickly and reliably, providing a consistent platform where ever required, anywhere in the world.

How do you do it?

Everbridge deliver their applications and services through a common set of application delivery policies across all of their chosen platforms: hardware and software, running on both private and public infrastructure. By using F5 for their application delivery, security and DNS services Everbridge is able to deploy predefined policies anywhere they workload is needed, anywhere in the world. This model eliminates the requirement of them to learn and manage an array of cloud provider services, and avoid adding unnecessary complexity deployment and administrative complexity, for their application availability, security and performance requirements.

Anyway, don’t take my word for it, here’s a short video from Everbridge explaining how to reduce the associated risks with and to simplify the journey to cloud.



Published Jan 16, 2015
Version 1.0

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