Suppress MFA for a period of time
Problem this snippet solves: This code snippet can be used if you want to suppress MFA for a period of time. This solution uses an encrypted persistent cookie, that will be set at a successful MFA l...
Published Jul 16, 2019
Version 1.0wbrowne
Mar 31, 2021Altostratus
I was able to get this fixed with the help of a colleague. No matter what we tried in the response it always worked for the first person but no one after. We took the when HTTP_RESPONSE out completely and added a when ACCESS_POLICY_COMPLETES.
if { [ACCESS::session data get session.custom.suppressmfa.setauthtable] == 1 }{
set sessionauth [ACCESS::session data get session.custom.suppressmfa.setauthtable]
if {$static::AMIADEV_Cookie_debug } {log local0. "AMIA set auth table is $sessionauth"}
table set tab_amia:[IP::client_addr] Authed $static::suppress_mfa(seconds)
set taba [table lookup tab_amia:[IP::client_addr]]
if {$static::AMIADEV_Cookie_debug } {log local0. "$taba"}
HTTP::cookie insert name $static::suppress_mfa(cookie) value $static::suppress_mfa(value) path "/"
if {$static::AMIADEV_Cookie_debug } {log local0. "cookie $static::suppress_mfa(cookie) set for $static::suppress_mfa(seconds)"}
HTTP::cookie expires $static::suppress_mfa(cookie) $static::suppress_mfa(seconds) relative
if {$static::AMIADEV_Cookie_debug } {log local0. "cookie expires in $static::suppress_mfa(seconds)"}
HTTP::cookie secure $static::suppress_mfa(cookie) enable
HTTP::cookie httponly $static::suppress_mfa(cookie) enable
HTTP::cookie encrypt $static::suppress_mfa(cookie) $static::suppress_mfa(passphrase)
ACCESS::respond 302 noserver "Location" [ACCESS::session data get session.policy.result.start_uri] "Cache-Control" "no-cache, must-revalidate" Set-Cookie "$static::suppress_mfa(cookie)=[HTTP::cookie $static::suppress_mfa(cookie)];path=/;secure;httponly;Max-age=$static::suppress_mfa(seconds)"
if {$static::AMIADEV_Cookie_debug } {log local0. "policy completed"}
foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] {
if {$static::AMIADEV_Cookie_debug } {log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]"}}
unset sessionauth
unset taba