Proxy Protocol Initiator
Problem this snippet solves: iRule Support for BIG-IP sending Proxy header to serverside pool member. (BIG-IP as Proxy Protocol Initiator)
Implements v1 of PROXY protocol at: http://www.haproxy.or...
Published Sep 02, 2015
Version 1.0Chad_Jenison
Joined May 13, 2008
Joined May 13, 2008
Jun 05, 2019If you're curious what this looks like in a packet capture where you do SSL re-encrypt on the virtual server, terminate SSL at the F5 then re-encrypt HTTPS to the pool members, the data is within a server side packet after the three way handshake with PSH and ACK flags set.
The data is hex encoded but if you right click the PSH,ACK packet and follow stream wireshark will decode it or you can use another resource.
Here's what the proxyheader looks like: PROXY TCP4 192.168.x.x 10.x.x.x 50299 443