NTP Monitor
Thanks, Mark, for the background info.
If you don't mind, let's just walk through the steps again...
Should this work: ?
SSH or Console to the F5. Navigate to /shared/lib. Create a directory called "perl5" with 755 permissions. (Note: I created the directory and allowed it to inherit permissions). TFTP the NTP.pm file (from the ntp.zip file from the other post) to /shared/lib/perl5/Net/NTP.pm and set the permissions to 755. Copy the text above and paste it into a notepad.exe text file on a Windows computer. Use that Windows computer to connect to the Configuration Utility (CU). Use CU. Go to System > File Management > External Monitor File List (or something close). Import the contents of the text file while providing the external monitor a name.
Edit the external monitor to verify that it does not contain invalid characters (such as the question mark inside the diamond). Create a Monitor. Define the type as External. Select the External Monitor. Assign the monitor to a Pool. Pool Members are Nodes that are NTP servers.
Did I miss something or should this work?