Mirai-Strikeback - iRule to kill Mirai IoT bot processes from your F5
Problem this snippet solves:
In September and October of 2016, a new botnet appeared comprised of DVRs, closed-circuit TVs and other devices using the BusyBox embedded OS. The bot code, however, contains a flaw that can result in a bot segfault when a specially-crafted Location header is sent back to it.
How to use this snippet:
At the time of this writing, no known fingerprints for the Mirai botnet exist. However, Mirai only attacks a single URI at a time, so the iRule watches for this and sends back the specially-crafted location header only if a client requests the same URI ten times in ten seconds. This is a crude detection mechanism and might interfere with legitimate clients (such as an API poll). So use at your discretion.
Code :
when RULE_INIT { set static::mseconds 10000 set static::maxdupreq 10 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set dup_req 0 set last_req "" } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { $last_req equals "" } { set last_req [HTTP::uri] set dup_req 0 } elseif { $last_req == [HTTP::uri] } { incr dup_req after $static::mseconds { if {$dup_req > 0} {incr dup_req -1} } if { $dup_req > $static::maxdupreq } { log "Killing suspected Mirai at [IP::client_addr]" TCP::respond "HTTP/1.0\r\n200 OK\r\nLocation: http\r\n\r\n" TCP::close } } else { set dup_req 0 } }
Hi David,
Is it possible to edit this irule for all url not only a url?i think than this will be work likes web scrabing in asm .