Insert header for APM policy
Problem this snippet solves:
This iRule requires the APM module to work
The goal is to pass the username for an authenticated session used during APM login as a HTTP header to the backend server.
Overall logic is based on ClientAuthUsingHTMLForms and the AUTH event was replaced by the ACCESS_POLICY_COMPLETED event.
- ACCESS_POLICY_COMPLETED sets a custom cookie containing session.logon.last.username and session.user.sessionid after successful login
- HTTP_REQUEST parses custom cookie and compares it with the MRHSession cookie. If they match the username will be added as an HTTP header.
Code :
when RULE_INIT { # Set key for encryption. # Use a hardcoded key to avoid a global variable, one key per TMM or generating a new key on every reload of RULE_INIT #set static::auth_cookie_aes_key [AES::key 128] set static::auth_cookie_aes_key "AES 128 abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890" } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { # set the Name of the Base64 Encoded Cookie send to the client set ckname BIGIP_AUTH # set the Name of the BigIP APM module session cookie (default MRHSession) set apmmrhsession MRHSession # set the Name of HTTP Header send to the Backend system set httpmyheader BIGIP_USER # set a Password which will be added to the APM SessionID & Username to make it more complex set ckpass YourVerySecret } when HTTP_REQUEST { # remove Header httpmyheader from request if injected by Client HTTP::header remove $httpmyheader # Check if my ckname and MRHSession cookie exist if { [HTTP::cookie exists $apmmrhsession ] && [HTTP::cookie exists $ckname ] } { # get the value of the MRHSession cookie and check if it is a existing APM session set apmcookie [HTTP::cookie value $apmmrhsession] if { [ACCESS::session exists $apmcookie] } { log local0. "MRHSession Cookie value: $apmcookie with ID on last 8 [substr $apmcookie 24]" # Get Cookie values and decrypt set httpmycookie [HTTP::cookie value $ckname] set httpmydecrytedcookie [AES::decrypt $static::auth_cookie_aes_key [b64decode $httpmycookie ]] # Check if Cookie is not Empty if { not ( $httpmydecrytedcookie equals "" ) } { # get the Username and sessionID out of the cookie # it was set with: set composedapmid [format "%s&%s&%s" $apmsessionid $apmsessionuser $ckpass] set httpmycookievals [split $httpmydecrytedcookie "&"] set httpmycookieuser [lindex $httpmycookievals 1] set httpmycookieid [lindex $httpmycookievals 0] #log local0. "retrieved username $httpmycookieuser with sessionID $httpmycookieid from $ckname cookie" # check if sessionID from ckname cookie match the last 8 chars of the MHRSession ID if { $httpmycookieid equals [substr $apmcookie 24] } { log local0. "APM Policy Allowed Access for user $httpmycookieuser with sessionID $httpmycookieid" # Insert Header for Backendsystem HTTP::header insert $httpmyheader $httpmycookieuser } else { # do what ever is needed if the cookie values don't match # cookies were modified by the client # e.g. deny access HTTP::respond 403 content {Access Denied - session unknown Access Denied - session unknown You are not allowed to access this system. } noserver } } } else { # all Cookies found but no entry in ACCESS::session #log local0. "No MRHSession found" } } else { # either MRHSession cookie or spmmycookie is missing # a) new request without MRHSession # b) ACCESS_POLICY_COMPLETED not run (client retrieves objects for APM login page # do nothing } } when ACCESS_POLICY_COMPLETED { set policy_result [ACCESS::policy result] switch $policy_result { "allow" { #new session which passed APM Policy #generate my own cookie for HTTP_REQUEST requests #get major session information set apmsessionid [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.sessionid"] set apmsessionuser [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"] set apmsessionlanding [ACCESS::session data get "session.server.landinguri"] # compose Username and Session together with a secret set composedapmid [format "%s&%s&%s" $apmsessionid $apmsessionuser $ckpass] # b64 Encode the AuthID so it can be stored in the Cookie at the Client set encrypted_apmid [b64encode [AES::encrypt $static::auth_cookie_aes_key $composedapmid]] # build the Cookie string from: $ckname=CookieName, $encrypted_apmid=b64encoded apmid set apmmycookie [format "%s=%s ; path=/; " $ckname $encrypted_apmid ] #respond with a 302 redirect to original URI with cookie ACCESS::respond 302 Location $apmsessionlanding "Set-Cookie" $apmmycookie log local0. "APM Policy Allowed Access for user $apmsessionuser with ID $apmsessionid" } "deny" { ACCESS::respond 401 content "Error: Failure in Authentication" Connection Close log local0. "APM Policy Denied Access" } } }
Published Mar 18, 2015
Version 1.0CodeCentral_194
Joined May 05, 2019
Joined May 05, 2019
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