F5 Analytics iApp
Problem this snippet solves:
Analytics iApp v3.7.0
You can use this fully supported version of the analytics iApp template to marshal statistical and logging data from the BIG-IP system. The iApp takes this data and formats it as a JSON object which is then exported for consumption by data consumers, such as F5 BIG-IQ or applications such as Splunk.
The Analytics iApp allows you to configure several categories of data to be exported. For data consumers like Splunk, the iApp lets you configure the network endpoint to which the data is sent.
Version 3.7.0 of the iApp template is fully supported by F5 and available on downloads.f5.com. We recommend all users upgrade to this version. For more information, see https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K07859431.
While this version of the iApp is nearly identical to the v3.6.13 which was available on this page, the major difference (other than being fully supported) is that ability to gather APM statistics using the iApp has been removed from BIG-IP versions prior to 12.0.
Supported/Tested BIG-IP versions: 11.4.0 - 12.1.2.
Data Sources: LTM, GTM, AFM, ASM, APM, SWG, and iHealth (APM statistics require 12.0 or later)
Data Output Formats: Splunk, F5 Analytics, F5 Risk Engine
Splunk App: https://apps.splunk.com/apps/id/f5
The new deployment guide can be found on F5.com: http://f5.com/pdf/deployment-guides/f5-analytics-dg.pdf
Code :
- Nick_Palmer_f5Nimbostratus
Hi Ken and M Quevedo,
Could you please give more technical insight about how BIG-IQ uses this iApp in a special not user-interactive mode? Can BIG-IQ provide VIP stats and display charts based on the iApp collected info? How should BIG-IQ be setup to work with the iApp? Thanks!
Our BIG-IQ is 4.5.0 and our BIG-IP is 11.6.1 and 12.1.2.
- M_QuevedoNimbostratus
Hi Tom_K. You cannot install the iApp v3.7.0 on the vCMP host.
- Tom_K_185554Nimbostratus
Hello - I have the iApp installed on a bunch of viprion vcmp guests and sending logs to splunk but do not understand how to install the iApp on the vcmp host. My host does not have an iApp object to select from on the gui management screen. Do you install the iApp from the command line or where do I find the iAPP object on my management screen. Also I do not have any self ip's configured on the vcmp host. What must I do to configure a self IP on the host to use the iApp ?
- Walter_KacynskiCirrostratus
That confuses be especially when in BIG-IQ you check the box for stats collection and it automatically deploys a special version of this iApp. It seems like this would cause a version conflict at some point. I have both BIG-IQ 5.2 and Splunk, I don't know which one I should be using for stats data.
- M_QuevedoNimbostratus
The BIG-IQ 5.2 device may use this iApp in a special -- not user-interactive -- mode when BIG-IQ manages a BIG-IP device.
- Walter_KacynskiCirrostratus
Can someone help me understand the relationship with this iApp and BIG-IQ DCD under version 5.2?
- M_QuevedoNimbostratus
Hi Walter, bug ID's do appear in TMOS release notes. However, that's not what you asked exactly-- this particular issue will be fixed in the next release of the Analytics iApp template. That is not tied to a specific version of TMOS, so it doesn't have anything directly to do with TMOS v12.1.2.
- Walter_KacynskiCirrostratus
Since bugids aren't public... Is ID664360 mitigated or fixed by 12.1.2?
- M_QuevedoNimbostratus
Hi ramig, f5 is tracking this issue as ID664360. Look for a fix in the next release of the iApp template.
- ramig_184705Nimbostratus
I'm using latest version (3.7.0) with APM running on 12.0+, the main issue is the session dump files filling the /shared partition with f5-analytics-sessdata-* .
Any suggestions there ?