F5 Analytics iApp
Hello Ken,
Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful iAPP and splunk app. I would like to find out how I can turn off syslog information from being sent to splunk since it is consuming a lot of splunk data and we already have a separate syslog server. I tried to turn off the syslog feature from the iApp but it's telling that i can not perform the action because the vs/irule is being used. I also tried to disable the splunk-hec-syslog virtual server but that just prevent the F5 from sending any data to splunk. Do you think it's better to blacklist syslog information on splunk side? my 2nd question is regarding the healthscore calculation. I found that the caculation uses values such as app_device_uptime_health=1/0 but i could not figure out how you arrived at those values. could you please explain the process? thank you in advance!