F5 Analytics iApp
Tried deploying the iAPP and received the following error
script did not successfully complete: (script did not successfully complete: ("global-settings" unexpected argument while executing "tmsh::modify [string range $args 7 end] " ("modify" arm line 1) invoked from within "switch -exact -- [string range $args 0 5] { create { tmsh::create [string range $args 7 end] } modify { tmsh::modify [string r..." (procedure "iapp::conf" line 14) invoked from within "iapp::conf modify analytics global-settings avrd-interval 300" invoked from within "if {$::basic__format != "F5 Risk Engine" && $::basic__format != "F5 BIG-IQ" && $::basic__logging == "Yes"} { set deviceinfo "non exist" catch {se..." line:5073) while executing "exec /usr/bin/tmsh -c $command" (procedure "tmsh_exe" line 4) invoked from within "tmsh_exe "create sys application service /Common/${::app}-local { template traffic-group traffic-group-local-only variables replace-all-..." invoked from within "if { $createiapp == "Yes" } {
set existing_iapp "non exist" catch {set existing_iapp [tmsh::get_config sys application service /Common/${::app}-..." line:5052)
Anybody else running into this?