Digest based Single-Sign-On
Problem this snippet solves:
Sometimes, you are asked to implement some unusual Single Sign On methods. This code helps to deal with Digest based SSO when configured. This specific implementation support a Quality-of-protection set to "auth".
How to use this snippet:
Proof of Concept
Generate a valid Digest response
when hitting "/test", the irule build the Digest response and log it to the ltm log file.
when RULE_INIT { set static::nonce "MDgvMjUvMjAxNyAwOToyNTo0Nw" set static::user "testuser" set static::password "testpass" set static::realm "testrealm" set static::method "GET" set static::uri "/testuri" set static::client_nonce "389db6597243daf2" set static::nonce_count "00000001" } when HTTP_REQUEST { # working test if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/test" } { binary scan [md5 "$static::user:$static::realm:$static::password"] H* ha1 log local0. "HA1 = $ha1" binary scan [md5 "$static::method:$static::uri"] H* ha2 log local0. "HA2 = $ha2" binary scan [md5 "$ha1:$static::nonce:$static::nonce_count:$static::client_nonce:auth:$ha2"] H* response log local0. "response = $response" } }
Play Digest SSO when receiving a 401 response from the backend
note : Client Nonce is currently a static variable. Must be generated within the irule instead.
when RULE_INIT { set static::user "testuser" set static::password "testpass" set static::client_nonce "389db6597243daf2" set static::nonce_count "00000001" } when HTTP_REQUEST { # set vars required for Digest SSO set uri [HTTP::uri] set method [HTTP::method] set retried 0 # insert a dummy text. Help to inject Digest SSO HTTP::header replace Authorization "irule-test-digest-sso" set request [HTTP::request] HTTP::header remove Authorization } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { [HTTP::status] contains "401" and [HTTP::header exists "WWW-Authenticate"] and [HTTP::header "WWW-Authenticate"] contains "Digest" and $retried == 0 } { set www_auth [HTTP::header "WWW-Authenticate"] set fields [split $www_auth ","] set realm [lindex [split [lindex $fields 0] "="] 1] set nonce [lindex [split [lindex $fields 1] "="] 1] # retrieve username and password from wherever you want. Can be APM, Basic authentication, ... binary scan [md5 "$static::user:$realm:$static::password"] H* ha1 binary scan [md5 "$method:$uri"] H* ha2 binary scan [md5 "$ha1:$nonce:$static::nonce_count:$static::client_nonce:auth:$ha2"] H* response set retried 1 set auth_value "Digest username=\"$static::user\", realm=\"$realm\", nonce=\"$nonce\", uri=\"$uri\", algorithm=MD5, response=\"$response\", opaque=\"0000000000000000\", qop=auth, nc=$static::nonce_count, cnonce=\"$static::client_nonce\"" # insert Authorization header with Digest set updated_request [string map "$find $auth_value" $request] # resend the request with the Authorization header filled HTTP::retry $updated_request } else { set retried 0 } }
Code :
when RULE_INIT { set static::user "testuser" set static::password "testpass" set static::client_nonce "389db6597243daf2" set static::nonce_count "00000001" } when HTTP_REQUEST { # set vars required for Digest SSO set uri [HTTP::uri] set method [HTTP::method] set retried 0 # insert a dummy text. Help to inject Digest SSO HTTP::header replace Authorization "irule-test-digest-sso" set request [HTTP::request] HTTP::header remove Authorization } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { [HTTP::status] contains "401" and [HTTP::header exists "WWW-Authenticate"] and [HTTP::header "WWW-Authenticate"] contains "Digest" and $retried == 0 } { set www_auth [HTTP::header "WWW-Authenticate"] set fields [split $www_auth ","] set realm [lindex [split [lindex $fields 0] "="] 1] set nonce [lindex [split [lindex $fields 1] "="] 1] # retrieve username and password from wherever you want. Can be APM, Basic authentication, ... binary scan [md5 "$static::user:$realm:$static::password"] H* ha1 binary scan [md5 "$method:$uri"] H* ha2 binary scan [md5 "$ha1:$nonce:$static::nonce_count:$static::client_nonce:auth:$ha2"] H* response set retried 1 set auth_value "Digest username=\"$static::user\", realm=\"$realm\", nonce=\"$nonce\", uri=\"$uri\", algorithm=MD5, response=\"$response\", opaque=\"0000000000000000\", qop=auth, nc=$static::nonce_count, cnonce=\"$static::client_nonce\"" # insert Authorization header with Digest set updated_request [string map "$find $auth_value" $request] # resend the request with the Authorization header filled HTTP::retry $updated_request } else { set retried 0 } }
Tested this on version:
11.6Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0Yann_Desmarest
Joined September 11, 2012
- Chun_Kit_ChengEmployee
1/ The server nonce value might contain equal sign so the above code will chop it off in an unintended way.
2/ It would need a condition block in HTTP_REQUEST to identify if it is a request from HTTP::retry.
when RULE_INIT { set static::user "testuser" set static::password "testpass" set static::client_nonce "389db6597243daf2" set static::nonce_count "00000001" } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set retried 0 } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ${retried} == 0 } { set vars required for Digest SSO set uri [HTTP::uri] set method [HTTP::method] set retried 0 insert a dummy text. Help to inject Digest SSO HTTP::header replace Authorization "irule-test-digest-sso" set request [HTTP::request] HTTP::header remove Authorization } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { [HTTP::status] contains "401" and [HTTP::header exists "WWW-Authenticate"] and [HTTP::header "WWW-Authenticate"] contains "Digest" and $retried == 0 } { set www_auth [HTTP::header "WWW-Authenticate"] basically chop the "realm=" and "nonce=" using strictly string functions set realm [string range ${www_auth} [expr {[string first "realm=" ${www_auth}] + 7}] [expr {[string first "," ${www_auth} [string first "realm=" ${www_auth}]] - 2}]] set nonce [string range ${www_auth} [expr {[string first "nonce=" ${www_auth}] + 7}] [expr {[string first "," ${www_auth} [string first "nonce=" ${www_auth}]] - 2}]] retrieve username and password from wherever you want. Can be APM, Basic authentication, ... binary scan [md5 "$static::user:$realm:$static::password"] H* ha1 binary scan [md5 "$method:$uri"] H* ha2 binary scan [md5 "$ha1:$nonce:$static::nonce_count:$static::client_nonce:auth:$ha2"] H* response set retried 1 set auth_value "Digest username=\"$static::user\", realm=\"$realm\", nonce=\"$nonce\", uri=\"$uri\", algorithm=MD5, response=\"$response\", qop=auth, nc=$static::nonce_count, cnonce=\"$static::client_nonce\"" insert Authorization header with Digest set updated_request [string map [list "irule-test-digest-sso" "$auth_value"] $request] resend the request with the Authorization header filled HTTP::retry $updated_request } else { set retried 0 } }
Hopefully this would help someone working on this trick.