BIGIP LTM Automated Pool Monitor Flap Troubleshooting Script in Bash
Problem this snippet solves: A bash script is mainly for collecting data when F5 BIG-IP LTM pool member monitor flaps in a period of time and help determine the Root Cause of BIGIP monitor health ch...
Published Jun 18, 2015
Version 1.0Kiozs_131042
Joined May 04, 2019
Joined May 04, 2019
Aug 04, 2022davidfisher the bash sleep command value is in seconds.
Vasim the script would need to be called from an iCall action tied to an event trigger. There are examples of this, just search icall. I also have an article that walks through an example, though you won't need iRules for this.
- the full logs will be in /var/tmp, should include the window under duress for analysis
- it will run whenever triggered, but in your iCall script that executes it, you can select windows to avoid
- anytime you run tcpdump it impacts the system, could be small could be large, depending on your filters and how much data you are writing to disk in the window it's running.