May 10, 2022
Would appreciate some feedback. If you run version above v5.5.0 and use an F5 in front of it, could you please try this iRule? It makes the web server serve the Brotli compressed files instead of the Json files and it should accelerate the loading times quite a lot. Would be interesting to hear load times before and after:
set has_replaced 0
if {
[HTTP::header Accept-Encoding] contains "br"
&& [HTTP::uri] ends_with ".json"
&& [HTTP::uri] ne "/json/knowndevices.json"
} {
HTTP::uri "[HTTP::uri].br"
set has_replaced 1
if { $has_replaced } {
HTTP::header replace "Content-Encoding" "br"
If it works well we can include it in the repository and installation instructions.