Apr 22, 2021Admin
Due to a platform corruption during the 2019 migration I have worked with team to move his original legacy codeshare to this new record (same URL).
The legacy codeshare is temporarily available at
The negative repercussions of this change are:
- the nearly 1000 historical comments appear that they must will have to remain on the legacy record.
- the numerous *likes* stayed with the legacy record (smash that like at the top right of this page!! if you like it)
- anyone bookmarking that legacy record will not be notified of changes made here (click that bookmark icon)
The positive repercussions of this are:
- Patrik can now make edits to the entry - making updates more likely and timely. (a deep in the weeds corruption I couldn't ferret out)
- You all only have to deal with one set of comments here - making conversation easier. (another part of the corruption)
- And, looking on the bright side of a negative, I don't have to find out (yet) what happens when the comment counter rolls over to 1000.😩
Thank you for your patience and persistence with Patrik's awesome contribution and thank you for your dedication to our community.