Forum Discussion
Thinking about the troubled start Hubbled had I would say it came around with a vengeance 😋
It shows both the strengths and weaknesses of technology but also what a determined group of people can accomplish even in the most precarious of situations. Something we all can take with us in our day-to-day jobs.
- Leslie_HubertusJun 27, 2023Ret. Employee
The idea of giving a telescope a corrective lens sounds like it should be sci-fi, but I love that it actually happened. The level of engineering that had to go in to making that lens alone was staggering, much less all the engineering that went in to making it possible for the lens to be installed (launch/orbital planning, vehicle readiness and launch, EVA stuits, plus literally everything else from life support to food to toilets). I've always been fascinated and inspired by the space program.