Forum Discussion

samelcamel_8109's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 26, 2012

XenApp 6.5 XML Broker monitor for port 8080

I was hoping someone could write (or re-write) the monitor for the XenApp XML Broker. The current "Citrix XenApp" template assumes that you have installed XenApp using the "XML Service IIS Integration" on port 80. I installed my XenApp farm to use the standard Citrix XML service running on port 8080 (no IIS Integration.)



The current monitor looks like this:



Send String:


POST /scripts/wpnbr.dll HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 577\r\nContent-Type: text/xml\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:\r\n\r\npermissionsallica30contentxenapp-test-usertestpwdmydomainXenApp__xmlb_monitor0.0.0.0\r\n\r\n



Receive String:





The send string is referencing the "scripts" directory and the wpnbr.dll file. These are only created when you install XenApp with the XML Service IIS Integration.



Any help in creating a new monitor that works with the standard Citrix XML Service on port 8080 would be greatly appreciated!






  • Since no one has replied to this, I will reply myself. I believe the monitor that is included in the Citrix template will work with both port 80 or port 8080. When using the template to create the configuration for Citrix, you will need to modify the virtual server that was created for the XMLB afterwards to reflect port 8080 (it will be currently set to port 80.)



    I found out that the monitor does not work correctly on version 9.4.8. I'm guessing it's just the older software version that is the problem. We will try to update to version 10.0.1 in the future and see if it works then.



  • Hi sam....


    It wa interesting to read the starting of your second message offcourse the monitor was suppose to work for port 8080 if its working for port 80 as you can see in the monitor the port 80 or 8080 are not explicity written... but thanks for sharing the information.



  • I assume the monitor being referenced in stored in the F5 (or in a similar device). the question is never fully explained, and I expect is the reason that an answer was short on delivery


  • I assume the monitor being referenced in stored in the F5 (or in a similar device). the question is never fully explained, and I expect is the reason that an answer was short on delivery