Forum Discussion
Windows 10 AutoAdmin logon doesn't work with VPN always connected mode
Hello everybody,
We use a client VPN on always connected mode and the client use the logon credentials to do the authentification. We have several laptop where a generic user set with autoAdminLogon so the user doesn't need to set the username and password and the user is logedd automatiquely at Windows.
My probleme is that the SSO doesn't work when the autoAdminLogon is set to 1, if I desactive the AutoAdminLogon on the registery and set manually the username password at the logon Windows..the SSO works and the client VPN is going to connect.
Can we use Auto Logon mode with the client VPN F5 ?
I get the erros logs below on the big-ip Edge client, we use the version "7190,2020,225,642"
Does someone has already have this issue ?
never tried this, don't see any result anywhere it is possible.
im afraid a support ticket is only way to be 100% sure.
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