Forum Discussion
WideIP Pool Member Priority Change And Control
Thanks Jason,
Below is the config. So a Wide IP got three pools attached to it and Helpdesk folks help switch the WideIP as per requirement. In case of there is application issue in one DC they failover to other DC, if both are impacted they switch to Outage Pool for outage page.
wideip {
name ";
alias ";
alias ";
pool_lbmode ga
partition "Common"
pool "xyz_DC1"
pool "xyz_DC2"
pool "xyz_OUTAGE"
Pool Details
pool {
name "xyz_DC1"
ttl 30
preferred rr
alternate null
fallback null
partition "Common"
member IP:443
name "xyz_DC2"
ttl 30
preferred rr
alternate null
fallback null
partition "Common"
member IP:443
name "xyz_OUTAGE"
ttl 30
preferred rr
alternate null
fallback null
partition "Common"
member IP:443
Virtual Server Config
vs {
name "xyz-443-v-DC1"
address IP:443 // https
name "xyz-443-v-DC2"
address IP:443 // https
vs {
name "xyz-443-v-outage"
address IP:443 // https
- JimLOct 14, 2022Nimbostratus
Iv'e been looking for a cli command to change the gtm pool order as well for the same reason. With the various articles I found I couldn't find one quite right but was finally able to put it together.
Wide IP is and I want to make gtmpoolmember1 the lower priority so the Wide IP will resolve / fail over to gtmpoolmember2 for our disaster recovery exercise.
So, just create a line for each of your Wide IPs for your disaster recovery exercise and paste them all into the cli once the exercise begins. Just change the order to 0 to resolve / fail back to gtmpoolmember1.
tmsh modify gtm wideip a pools modify {gtmpoolmember1 { order 1 } }
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