Forum Discussion

dinetw_262068's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 21, 2016

Why my virtual server can't be accessed

Today I configure a new virtual server, and the server is marked available, the default pool of the vs is available too, the pool member can be accessed normally. But the vs can't be visited, the following is the confiuring picture. Please tell me where is the problem, thank you.


  • Probably something obvious, but also remember to enable the VS on the right VLANs if any


  • Are packets hitting the F5, have you performed a TCPDump to verify connectivity ?


    Do you have SNAT enabled to the back end server to fix common routing problems?


    I'm going to make an assumption this is a VE setup - Make sure all your Layer 2/Layer 3 routing is in place for a valid setup.


  • Could you please check the Virtual server statistics, if you see connection, you can add CLIENT_ACCEPTED irule with log to VS then you observe the LTM log.


  • The fact that a virtual server and pool are green does not mean that the application on the back end is up and running. I would need a bit more information but, If you're running just a ping probe then it is just stating the backend server is operational. You should set up a monitor that will probe the application itself and see how that returns. 
    The other question I have is are you just hitting it by FQDN. If so try by IP and if it works you may just need to add a DNS entry..
  • Ping the VS to verify basic ICMP connectivity.


    Try Curl to check response of the VS.


  • Probably something obvious, but also remember to enable the VS on the right VLANs if any