Forum Discussion

Revo_202489's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 17, 2015

Why does the BIG-IP create the connections for the UDP traffics?

Hi All,


I have been deployed a BIG-IP for the DNS server load balancing.


I knew that the connections for UDP traffic are on the BIG-IP.


The UDP protocol is stateless.


Why does the BIG-IP create the connections for the UDP traffics on the connection table?


Please explain why.


Thanks, Revo.


  • UDP is connectionless but it appears the LTM's will add some "statefulness" to a UDP connection. The info below is taken from Events For UDP Virtual Servers:


    "When the LTM receives a UDP datagram on a virtual server, it creates an entry in the connection table for that client IP and port (and, once a server has been selected, the server IP and port). As long as UDP traffic is flowing that matches that entry (either from the client to the server, or from the server to the client), it will all be considered a single connection."


  • Why does the BIG-IP create the connections for the UDP traffics on the connection table?


    i might be wrong but if it does not, how does bigip send response back to the right sender?


  • UDP is connectionless but it appears the LTM's will add some "statefulness" to a UDP connection. The info below is taken from Events For UDP Virtual Servers:


    "When the LTM receives a UDP datagram on a virtual server, it creates an entry in the connection table for that client IP and port (and, once a server has been selected, the server IP and port). As long as UDP traffic is flowing that matches that entry (either from the client to the server, or from the server to the client), it will all be considered a single connection."