Forum Discussion

PG0581's avatar
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Jul 21, 2022

Whitelist certain inbound IPs

Could someone verify if this syntax is correct, please? 

I am looking to only permit certain source IPs contained in the data group "abc_ips" when navigating to a URL and dropping anything else. 




	if { [class match [IP::client_addr] eq "abc_ips" ] } { 
	} else {





  • Hi PG0581 ,

    Yes, syntax looks good to me. Additionally, you can even add the response page with some message to the unwanted source IP addresses who are trying to access it.  Just a suggetion in case you need it. Thanks!

  • Hi PG0581 ,

    Yes, syntax looks good to me. Additionally, you can even add the response page with some message to the unwanted source IP addresses who are trying to access it.  Just a suggetion in case you need it. Thanks!